UML (Unified Model Language) Design

What is private visibility?

Private visability is when certain functions are private and are only accessible to that class. Private functions can only be accessed by the class in which they are in.

What is public visibility?

Public visibility is the opposite of private visibility. When functions/methods are public they can be accessed by other classes and sub-classes.

What is a method?

a method is a function, which allows you to operate any behavioral feature of a class in a specific way.

What is Inheritance?

Inheritance is when a sub-class or child class is able to have all the same attributes as their parent class. For example, Instead of adding the attribute to every child class you cound add it to the parent class and it will automatically be added to every child class.

What is DRY?

DRY means Don't Repeat Yourself.

Zach, “UML Class Diagram Tutorial,” YouTube, 21-Jul-2017. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 05-May-2020].

UML (Unified Model Language) Design PART 2

What is association relationship?

An association relationship is when two or more subjects are either physically connected or logically. They do not depend on each other.This type of relationship is shown with a straigh line.

What is aggregation relationship?

An aggregation relationship is a type of association where the parts can function on their own outside the whole. This relationship can be represented with an open diamond head.

What is abstraction relationship?

An abstraction relationship is when two or more elements that share the same concept from different points of view.

What is composition relationship?

Unlike an aggregation relationship, in a composition relationship the parts are unable to live outside the whole. They are dependant on the parent object and are unable to exist without it. This relationship is reresented with the closed diamond head.

What is multiplicity relationship?

In a Multiplicity relationship is where you can add numerical specifications. It is symbolized with a number in between the lines connecting.


What objects can be involved with the problem (input and output parts of the mower, things that may be encountered)?

An input to the device would be the on button. This would signal the robot that it is needed.


For the apprentice level of this project we hadto change the colors of the background and both of the balls. I wasn't sure what colors to do so I ended up using the primary colors. To do this I used a rgb color picker that I found on GOOGLE. After getting the codes I filled them into the code and changed the colors of the balls as well as the background. Then I took a screen shot and added it onto here.

After completing the apprentice level it was time to move onto the practitioner level. For this level we had to change the values of the balls and then add a third. First, I changed the parts of code that said "myball". I made them into "toys". Then I copied and pasted the code, making the third toy. Then I changed the movement code so that the balls would not leave from the canvas.

The professional part of this project was about the movement of the "toys". I wasn't as confident in this part so I was paying close attention to make sure I culd fix the code if I broke it. The code that I decided to change was the one for the height since the balls fell when the code started. When changing the movement code, what i did was the opposite of the code that was already in place. This made the movement of the balls a little weird so then I had to change the width code to match.


For the apprentice level of this project we had to add more toys. To do this, I decided to use the code that alrady existed. I copied and pasted the code of the already existing toys until i had six more. After that, I had to give the new toys movement as well that way they could be seen on the screen. I then copied and pasted the movement code to match the new toys i had created. After making the new toys I changed their size to 30.

For the partitioner part of this project I had to add more toys. We had to make 200 more of them. Unlike in the apprentice level, I could not just copy and paste the code till i had 200 more. Instead, I decided to use a loop. What the loop did was that it would keep adding more toys until the amount of toys reached 200. After it hit 200 the loop would stop and it would just be 200 toys bouncing across the screen.


For the aprentice level we were given three lines of new code. I copied and asted them to add to the code I already had. Using the new code we would be able to control the number of toys. The "TN" constant was also in charge of the loops that were taking place. After playing around with the code for a bit I had to screenshot and add it to my portfolio. I also changed the background color but that doesn't really affect the program.

For this part of the project I had to change the color. We had to set RAINBOW to true and it would change the colors randomly. We also had to get rid of the background because that would happen every time the RAINBOW function would be declared.I liked using the rainbow function I just wish it chose better colors.